Puzzle n°41 (*) - Which kitten to choose ? Homepage  
A friend of mine was dreaming of having a ruddy somali.
She had a preference for a female, but would accept a male
if she didn't easily find a female suiting her.

She asked my advice. She had been in contact with a somali breeder who just had two litters of somalis, and in each litter there was one ruddy kitten and three black silver kittens (like on the picture).

This breeder had sent her pictures of the two litters, and had told her:

  • in each litter, there are two males and two females ;
  • in the first litter, the biggest black silver kitten is a female ;
  • in the second litter, at least one of the two bigger black silver kittens is a female.

My friend was a bit distressed... She liked equally the ruddy kittens of each litter.
She wanted to know which one she should reserve to have the best chances of having a female,
given the only information currently at her disposal.

What would you have told her ?

... I'm giving up ...

© Marie-Bernadette Pautet, 2005-2019
Last page update: 10.6.2009