R'Maïnie de la Chacolaterie Homepage  

R'Maïnie was born home on 27 July 2020, the first-born among 6 kittens in the last litter de Jemima..
Her dad is Deglet Nour des Fauve & Or. sorrel somali with a very sweet face and character.

R'Maïnie is to be pronounced as "Hermione" in English.

one month old

1.5 months old

nine months old

1 mois
un mois et demi
9 mois

She had her first litter at 2 years old, 3 ruddy kittens including 2 females (Timut and Temzou) and a male (Ti'Floki).
Dad is Demis Silvaliya, a sweet and beautiful young ruddy male who arrived at our home at the end of 2021.
They both seem to have enjoyed their first love experience.

Here she is with Temzou, her 4 days-old daughter. You may see all pictures of the litter here.

RMainie et Temzou 4 jours

She is a very attentive mom, reacting as soon as a kitten calls.
She seems a bit jealous and wary of Pépite who had her 6 kittens one month after she got hers,
so the two litters could not be raised together in the same room as I had done in 2020 with the beautiful cooperation of Jemima and Noisette.

© Marie-Bernadette Pautet, 2005-2023
Last page update: 11.08.2022