Welcome to our family cattery ! Homepage  



Here is Ultima Demisovna, the last-born of Demis'kittens,
peering through her mom's paws the day she was born.

See all the pics of the kitten's evolution on the 2023 litters' page.
They now all live in their new families.


Monthly screen background

Ureshii Risu, my "happy squirrel", peeps through the ferns

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by clicking on its thumbnail, for private use only.
Go and see the page showing all screen backgrounds already published.

La Chacolaterie's Main Events


27 June 2023


R'Maïnie de la Chacolaterie gave birth to six ruddy babies (dad is Demis), five females and one male. Demis won't have met them...

26 June

nos chats

Demis Silvaliya would have been 2 years in August. Due to the start of a bowel obstruction, he underwent a surgery but the vets discovered his belly was completely colonized by an hyper-agressive tumor, which was already calcified at some place and widely spread. His chances of survival were at most a few months with chemiotherapy. I decided that he be not waken up, to avoid him the pains of a (short) afterlife of poor quality. He is greatly missed, for he was such a sweet boy !

1 June 2023


Pépite de la Chacolaterie and Demis Silvaliya had four ruddy babies, three males and one female.

4 April 2023
our cats

Edelweiss (little downy flower) has always been a tiny yet courageous cat. Born in 2009, she survived a long time to what seems to be a lymphoma, but her qualiy of life lessened in the last year. She was put to sleep after a long hug on my knees in the sunshine.

11 Sept. 2022
our cats

Pompon (Une Pom'ponnette) was helped to make her last trip for eternal rest during the night of 10-11 september.
It's a 18 years and 9 months story that comes to an end.

20 June 2020


Pépite, daughter of Noisette, gave birth to her first litter: 6 ruddy kittens with Demis as a dad: full story and pictures here

22 May 2022


R'Maïnie, daughter of Jemima, had her first litter, 3 ruddy kittens with Demis as a dad: full story and pictures here

26 Dec. 2021
our cats

Demis arrived in our home after a long trip. He is a young ruddy somali male and is sooo sweet ! He will stay at home a few months before moving to his other home.

27 July 2020


Jemima gave birth to a litter of 6 kittens : full story and pictures are here

1st March 2020
our cats

Brownie did not wake up this morning, curlep up as usual by my side on the bed. No warnings, no cry, heart must have stopped during his sleep not long ago, his body was still warm... It's very hard for me, with Alaska they really were my closest and sweetest cats... But he had the death we all dream of, with an unaltered quality of life up to the very end.

7 August 2019


Jemima gave birth to a litter of 6 kittens : full story and pictures are here

22 July 2019


Noisette hdd her first litter... of 9 kittens ! 6 survived, they full story and pictures are here

Feb. 2019

our cats

Alaska has gone since Feb. 6th, she would have been 14 in March. She remained so beautiful, so kind, ever so present all her life...
She had undergone surgery in December 2017 for a mammary tumor. This surgery enabled her to have a one-year respite of good life quality, unfortunately the tumor came back much too soon in a fulgurant way.

May 2017
our cats

Jemima now has her own page... and 4 kitties !

July 2016

our cats

Rromynet was accompanied to his big sleep today...
In the book of beautiful legends, he will be reunited with Mila on the other side of the rainbow.

Jan. 2016

Somalis are on TV ! During the show, we could see :

16 years old
12 years old
10 years old
9 years old
6 years old

18 months old

18 months old

Let me introduce myself: Marie-Bernadette Pautet, aka "Babette", telecom engineer, mother of 3 children and...
... foster mother of 6 somalis !

My path to happiness involves living and working among these beautiful creatures who constantly tell me, through their eyes and by their behaviour, the trust and love they grant to their human family. This represents for me the real truth of a family cattery, where I am able to live among my somalis 24 hours a day.

This is me with Tikky on my shoulders,
during a cat show in 2004

Babette with Tikky

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© Marie-Bernadette Pautet, 2005-2024
Last page update: 31.08.2024